for some reason my last post was in august and now it is december. is this possible? yes it is. i spend time checking other blogs to try and keep up with the lives of others but seem to keep my life's happenings top secret!
so ...
becca finished her first semester of college and is currently at home for vacation for another 5 days before she heads back to anchorage!
denise changed jobs and now works for a company that sends her on trips. she spent a month and a half in texas. she came home to white mountain for 10 days and the holidays but has left and is now in sitka for a month! her work has something to do with presidential directive #12!
holly has changed jobs again! she is currently going through training to become a health aide and will work at the white mountain health clinic when she is done.
andy has continued to grow his hair which is now well down below his shoulders.
i recently ordered from peets coffee, because i saw it on someone else's blog, and the product and service is fantastic!
i also ordered from peace coffee - another fine product and what a cool name!
hmm.. what else could of happened
just yesterday a group of us decicded that since it was only -25 outside it would be a great day to go look for moose - so bundled up off we went - we drove about 45 miles or so but only saw 4 cows and we were in need of a bull for the hunt so although we got great fresh air and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves the hunt was not successful
the new white mountain school opened in august and that has kept andy busy, busy, busy - we still aren't doen moving in and now i am beginning to take snapshots of the things that are not working properly with the hopes that the contractor will come and fix them
the new teacher duplexes are basically done minus venetian blinds so holly and andy will be moving during the next few months
and that is it in a nutshell!