Saturday, July 08, 2006

School As We Are Today

What we have now are three buildings that we are using for 2 high school classrooms and the jr high classroom. Luckily for us all three buildings have running water and bathrooms and are very adequate for our needs. In the photo to the right you can see the two high school classrooms: the gray building is called the bingo building. It is owned by the IRA (the local trible govt.) and they immediately leased it to the district. We use it for the science and math classroom. The light blue building is owned by the City. They had leased it to the University system but they all agreed to end the lease so we could use it. This is our language arts and social studies classroom. This view is taken from the front of the Lodge building which has the cafeteria and two apts. in it, one of which is where we live.
A single wide trailer is our third building. The trailer sits right above the gymansium and is owned by the District. It had been the principal's quarters for many many years and in recent years was used for teacher housing. Just last year it had a music studio in it and our video conferencing equipment. It now houses the junior high classroom and my office. Here are some views of the inside of the trailer.
There are two entrances to the tailer so we do not interrupt each others daily business (much)!
In the picture below you can see down the narrow hallway to my office.

Looking into my office from the hallway.
The data closet is to the right behind the Kronos clock and when you turn all the way back to the left you see the filing cabinet closet. This room used to be a bedroom...

All of our buildings are in the same general area so we now have a campus with 6 buildings (within 150' of each other) which includes our cafeteria which was always a separate building.

I spent 4 days at the end of June in White Mountain going through orders and inventorying materials that had arrived. I worked 3 of those days with jack Adams and made a lot of progress with our new science materials.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.