Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hunting for the Tree

The last day of school was Friday the 15th. After lounging around on Saturday Becca suggested we go out and get a tree so Sunday as chosen as the day. The temperatures had come up to about 5 below so it seemed like an opportune time.
So what does it take to find a Christmas tree? It is not as easy as going across town to the tree lot but almost. Obviously we dress warm and get the rigs ready to go, hook the sled on and lets not forget the chainsaw...
I am truly in awe of those folks who grow Christmas trees because they have perfected the art. When you look for trees that grow naturally selecting one is a lot harder than you might imagine. There seems to be so many to choose from but when you get a little closer you find all sorts of problems. You may be looking at a double - two trees growing so close they look like one. You might see a tree that has two trunks. They seem to blend in with each other so well. So you do a lot of cruising around, in and out of meadows, over the tops of willows, searching for that elusive tree.

Usually you think you find it only to get close enough to realize you must have frost in your eye or need to clean your glasses.

But somewhere is the perfect tree. We just need to be silly enough to keep looking and have some fun while we do it.

The one.... We found her very early on but kept looking thinking that we would find a finer tree. But, we had marked the trail and knew where to go back to so here we are! Almost where we started out at... a bit colder but happy that we think we have the tree we want.

So down she comes and in the sled she will go.
The temperatures were good so we did not lose too many needles on the ride home. If it is too cold you can get home and find the bouncing has broken your branches and dropped all of your needles. But we came through in fine fashion and this is our end result!

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