The serum runners came through and stayed with us for four nights. This is a group made up of dog mushers and snow machine supporters that travel the historic trail in remembrance of the Serum Run that saved many lives in Nome. The group consists of many varied folks - some verterans and some rookies. The folks sleep in the gym and are happy to visit the classrooms.
Here they are introducing themselves to the students and the community.
Here is Howard, on the left.
Nome - Golovin Snowmachine Race
An annual event comes roaring through town every year. A race from Nome to Golovin and back again.
White Mountain is used as the fuel stop.
The machines race into the pits - get a little gas for the run to Golovin - 18 miles away - and then stop again before the last 70 miles to Nome.
Musk Ox
Andy was lucky enough to get a musk ox permit again. The season begins in October and ends on March 15th. We usually wait for snow and the longer daylight hours to he animals. I went out with a friend, Eric Morris. We spent one day finding a herd but the day was getting late. The next trip Holly rode along as well. Eric and I were both successful and Holly was a super help in getting the animals butchered and ready to take home.
The other annual March event is the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. We are lucky that all the mushers have a mandatory 8 hour layover in our town. We get a lot of visitors that pass through - families of mushers showing their support as well as the news crews covering the race.
The Mick and Rick Show
Mick and Rick do a comedy routine as well as sing. They were a lot of fun to host.
1 comment:
The pic of the musk ox head is a great one. I likeds the descriptions of the ski meet, the snogo race and basketball - nice narrative style Andrew. GJ
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